Jun 24Liked by Monique Mulligan

I'm eagerly awaiting our tree of lemons to ripen. Then I'll be busy making lemon curd, lemon yoghurt cake, lemonade (SO GOOD!), and lemon tarts. I used to think winter fruit was boring, but my tastes and attitudes are changing.

Thanks for the delicious descriptions in this piece - so yum!

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Jun 23Liked by Monique Mulligan

Delicious, Monique 🥰 your words and the jam, of course! Happy Sunday and a great start to the new week 🖤

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14 hrs agoLiked by Monique Mulligan

This is beautiful. Your words truly resonated with me: the constant struggle between yearnings for a simple authentic life and all the things that need to be done (most of which are enjoyable or related to said simple life).

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Monique you provided many beautiful images but the one I am left with is, I’m sure, unintended: bureaucrats in a large vat simmering😂

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Now that is an orange-y image!

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Jun 23Liked by Monique Mulligan

I loved reading your mandarine marmalade meandering. Your slow life dream is enchanting and you are creating it day by day. 💖

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I love this, Monique.

Really enjoyed the rhythm of the words, the recipe interlaced with your thoughts.

It is also interesting to read about you getting ready for Winter when I am looking at the start of Summer. And it occurred to me how cool it is that we basically do the same things, six months or so apart, keeping, as it were, our Planet in balance.

Will definitely check the chocolate cake recipe and save it for when Winter comes around again in my neck of the woods. Thank you!

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I just love making jam from seasonal fruit, I have many happy memories making jam with my Grandma! Your jam looks amazing and using marmalade in cake is such a great idea, I think I will give the recipe ago when I next bake something. 🤗

Bridget Jones’ Diary is such a great movie, a family favourite! 😂

Happy Sunday ♡

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